Manager Registration Form

Please complete this form to register as a manager and to select your protected players (if applicable).

Protected Player lists must be completed by January 31. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Any open spaces on the protected player list will be filled using pool players at the discretion of the SCJBSA Board of Control.

Players must still register individually to play with the league and list you as the manager on their registration form. Players must be listed on the Protected Player list and name you as manager on their registration form to
be guaranteed to be on your team. If there is not a match the player will be placed in the pool and assigned to a team.

12U, 14U, and 18U may register with the maximum of 15 protected players.

10U teams may register with a maximum of 12 protected players.

Manager's Name
First & Last
Email Address
Phone Number
(Street, City, MO, Zip)
Manager Shirt Size
Coach #1 Shirt Size
Coach #2 Shirt Size
Are you a sponsor?
Are you sponsoring a team yourself or have arranged a sponsor
If yes, who?
Protected Players
Players full names and phone numbers

Required Fields